Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Jerusalem Artichokes

Very Tall Jerusalem Artichokes

Looking up to the sky....

Thankyou to my fellow bloggers the Funky Frontyard Farmers (see their blog here) for inspiring me to give these JA's a try.

I think the foliage and flowers are beautiful in their own right.

This mass of flowers and stalks and leaves grew from 2 tubers (is that the right word?) that I planted last Spring.

Now that I know how tall they are growing, I am going to plant some as a curtain on one side of Sophie's garden, to make it like a secret room that you cannot see until you are almost at the front door to our home.  On the left hand side in the picture I think.  Or who knows, when we harvest the JA's, maybe there'll be enough for a curtain on all 4 sides, with a small doorway.  We'll see.

Current view from front door


Sophie's Garden is taking shape much more slowly than I thought (partly due to the price of water....*gasp*) but that's OK.  I had in mind that it would be ready to share with my wonderful community by the end of summer, but now I'm thinking that Sophie's 2nd Angel Day might be better, as the plants would have grown more by then, and the shape of the outdoor garden room will be more obvious.  I had lunch out there today, some homegrown tomato on some homemade bread.  Beautiful.

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