A bee sampling a flower from the Pin-cushion Hakea in our front yard |
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Quite soon after adopting the EYLF at my current workplace, we starting using cute pictures of Bees when producing documents for families regarding the 3 B's, mostly because cartoon pictures of Bees look oh-so-cute :)
One of the things that has become crystal clear to me since Sophie's death is how much emotional energy I wasted everyday. For example, getting irritated when someone pinched a parking place I'd been waiting for, or criticizing another person's driving if they forgot to indicate or made some other small error. All that sort of stuff really-does-not-matter. I have resolved to spend more time being in the moment and being with my family, my children in particular. I have been being in the moment with them in things that they are interested in. Like building a cubby house with Nicole from pruned branches today. Or doing excavation work in the sandpit with Keith and his Tonka trucks.
I am really enjoying how I spend my time these days, and I'm confident that what I'm spending my time on are the things that really matter in life.
Lovely reflections. It's true, when a tragedy happens, or ill-health or we are truly challenged in some way, we work out what is really worth worrying about. Thanks x